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PRIORITETNA TEMA Ivana Kekin: ‘Imamo ukupno 55 dječjih i adolescentskih psihijatara ’

Predsjednička kandidatkinja Možemo! Ivana Kekin u četvrtak je na konferenciji za medije govorila o ‘krizi mentalnog zdravlja djece i mladih’, kaže da je to tema kojom se kao psihijatrica puno bavila, a upitana nije željela komentirati za sutra najavljenu press konferenciju Nikice Jelavića. Napominje da se mentalnim zdravljem djece puno bavila iz aspekta svoje struke, […]

The main conceptual idea of the text is the crisis in mental health affecting children and adolescents in Croatia. Ivana Kekin, a presidential candidate and psychiatrist, highlights the alarming statistics, stating that an estimated 50,000 children are struggling with mental health difficulties. She emphasizes the gravity of the issue and the need for attention and action. The text also mentions the shortage of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Croatia, with only 55 available to address this growing need.

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